Meet your BVA Vice President

October 10, 2019

Kevin Ayers is a familiar name to many Beirut Vets and family members and now he is your BVA Vice President.  Kevin joined the Corps in 1980 and served in Beirut with the 2531 Radio Men with MSSG 24 from May to November 1983 as Lance Corporal.  Kevin returned to Camp Lejeune where he was stationed with the 2nd Medical battalion until leaving the Corps in 1984.

After leaving the Corps, Kevin entered the commercial printing industry where he has worked since 1987.

Kevin has been very involved in the BVA for the last decade in an informal capacity as a life member.  Though he has not held a formal office until now, he has been very involved, including participating in the Memorial Day parade for 8 years and attending the Memorial in North Carolina during the past 12 years, making it there more frequently in the past 5 years.  

Other than the BVA, Kevin is involved with the American Legion, VFW, and local Sportsman’s Club where he served as president for 5 years.   

In his spare time Kevin enjoys kayaking, hunting, and fishing. He enjoys the outdoors and gets to travel for work.     

Kevin says he is looking forward to working with the board and for members in the future.  He also wants members to feel free to contact him for any needs or questions. His email is [email protected]  


Connecticut Memorial Stone

October 10, 2019

The Connecticut Beirut Memorial Stone will be officially dedicated next year on October 10th, 2020 in Bantam Connecticut at the CT Beirut Memorial Ceremony.  More information will be forthcoming in the future.

If you are planning on attending the Parris Island graduation and tour, please take note of the important information below. 


0700- Arrival

0730-0815: Morning Colors
0845-1000: Graduation Ceremony
1000-1100: Museum Tour
1100-1130: Squadbay Tour
1130-1230: Luncheon at Traditions

You need to arrive by 0700.  Try to carpool from your hotel.  Make your hotel reservations ASAP if you haven’t already done so.

Michigan Memorial

October 10, 2019

This year was the 4th annual Michigan Beirut Veterans get together. This one-day event was held at the Clare VFW. The veterans and family had pizza from a local pizza shop and enjoyed the camaraderie of other veterans from the area. 


  • Vol. XXVII Issue I - Jan/Feb 2017 - 33 Year Beirut Remembrance. The Ties that Bind Us. RSII-Jan-Feb-2017.pdf (1.3 MBs)
  • Vol. XXVI Issue I - July/Aug 2016 - 32 Year Beirut Remembrance. Another Successful Remembrance; Looking Ahead to 2016 RSII-July-Aug-2016.pdf (1.5 MBs)
  • Vol. XXII, Issue 1 – August/September 2014 - AugSep2014.pdf (6.9 MBs)